Instructor list is still being sorted out but it looks like at least 10 instructors, including Kawawada Sensei coming from Japan!
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Hoitsugan Seminars Camp 5: POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC
We were going to have Hoitsugan Seminars Camp V in Palo Alto, California, USA, June 10-14, 2020. But this camp must be postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Another Successful Seminar Set!
With the help of dedicated volunteers and instructors, we wrapped up the fourth Shotokan Legacy Seminar set, held this time in Palo Alto, California.
A big thank you to the instructors who traveled across the country or across the world to participate and many thanks to the volunteers who helped keep the events running smoothly. And of course we sincerely appreciate the dedication and positive attitude of so many seminar participants, many of whom made the commitment to attend nearly all the sessions across the five day schedule. The opportunity to help other karate-ka on their path and further Nakayama Sensei’s legacy is what motivates so many of the instructors for these events.
We look forward to the chance to get together again and compare what we’ve all learned since our last meeting.
Early Bird Registration ends tomorrow!
This is it! Last chance!
Don’t miss the big savings on the Full Event Pass or even the individual seminar rates!
Until March 10th you’ll have the chance to register for the Shotokan Legacy Seminars IV at the discounted Early Bird rates.
T-shirts are ready!
We will have various sizes in both black & grey available at the camp.
Only 10 More Days of Early Bird Registration!
Don’t miss the chance for big savings on the Full Event Pass or even the individual seminar rates!
Until March 10th you’ll have the chance to register for the Shotokan Legacy Seminars IV at the discounted Early Bird rates.
new camp signup page added to website
Please see the following page:
Only 33 Days to Go!
Instructors and participants are making their arrangements. Some are flying in from all over the world. Right now we expect to see people from 5 different continents. (Not sure what’s keeping the Australians from coming… or the penguins from Antarctica.)
Are you taking time off work to make the weekday sessions?
Are you thinking about what you want to ask the wide range of instructors we’ll have assembled?
Have you registered? Don’t miss the chance to get the best deal on Early Bird Entire Event Pass!
The Countdown Begins!
After a lot of work behind the scenes, I’m happy to announce that we’re once again set to host one of the world’s biggest and best Karate camps right here in Palo Alto, California. Over the period of March 26-30 FIFTEEN or more instructors, all of whom have lived in Japan, will be teaching at least FIFTY seminars. Instructors will be coming from as far away as Indonesia and Brazil. And participants are coming from around the world, as well. This is the fourth ever seminar of this type, anywhere. And it is happening right HERE! Please plan to be there.